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5 Best Ways to Build a Healthier Relationship with Food

May 30, 2022 | Physical Wellness, Self-development, Self-Help

It’s quite a challenge to build a good relationship with food when social media is full of influencers promoting all your cravings. Thus, creating pressure around a “healthy” diet to achieve a picture-perfect body that makes people think they must sacrifice their midnight snack or intense cravings. 

Though these are recommended practices, they aren’t the best approach to establishing a happy connection with your food.


Say These Powerful Phrases!

Resolve your unhealthy relationship with food by adopting these mindset shifts today! 

1.I deserve to nourish and feed my body with whatever I want.

Munch on that well-deserved donut or salad you’ve been craving! How you felt or performed today is never a criterion for what you’re allowed to eat.

2. “Fruits and vegetables are what keep my body healthy.”

Your leafy greens and colorful fruits are never a form of punishment. Instead, start seeing them why every part of your body feels energized and capable of getting you through the day!

3. “I should always show myself compassion for the food I want.”

Depriving yourself of food is the first step towards creating an unhealthy connection with what you eat because it creates the mentality that food is either your “friend” or “foe.”

4. “I had a bad day. Perhaps I should exercise or sleep to lift my mood.”

Though emotional eating can help soothe our negative emotions, too much of it can be unhealthy. Opt to meditate or take a nap instead of filling up on two to three orders of greasy fat-filled burgers!

5. “My body deserves to enjoy delectable sweets, chips, and soda from time to time.”

Junk food has harmful effects on our body, but having a little bit of it isn’t bad! So be gentle on yourself, and allow your body to relish in the tasty goodness that sugary drinks, fast food, and luscious sweets offer!

My body, my food rules!

It’s no fun resisting your temptation to eat certain types of food. And it isn’t easy to achieve a healthy relationship with food either. But there is a way to improve your feelings towards foods that aren’t naturally “good for you.” And it starts with the right mindset!

Start adopting these five food mindsets today and watch yourself never feeling guilty or bad for munching on junk food!



Ahmad, M. (2013). How to Develop a Healthy Mindset About Eating. SF Gate. How to break free from the diet mindset. (2020, September 16). Healthy Food Guide. Williams, C. (2022, January 7). 11 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship With Food—And How To Heal. Cooking Light.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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