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7 Mindset Shifts You Can Adopt Today To Jumpstart Your Success

Jan 7, 2022 | Growth, Self-development

Have you ever had a serious setback that caused you to feel stuck, hopeless and uninspired? Maybe you felt discouraged after failing to meet your expectations? Or perhaps you feel at a loss after another unsuccessful attempt at that career opportunity you keep trying on?

Failure is perfectly normal! It’s a part of life. After all, it’s your mindset after a trial that will get you back on track. So stop that dreadful habit of saying, “I can’t do this anymore,” or  “I give up.” With this negative mindset, you’ll find yourself farther from your dreams. 

Thus, cultivate a growth mindset today! An outlook of “This challenge is pushing me to grow” will not only keep you focused but may even be the foundation of your future endeavors!

Are you determined to take on a better mindset for success? Adopt these mindset shifts today, and you’re surely on the way!

Find meaning in failure.

Not meeting your objectives was never a point of surrender but a chance to look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself, What could I have done differently? What went wrong? What is my next best option? Learn to accept failure as a divergence towards something better. 

Obstacles are your friend.

Embrace trials and setbacks as you would a comrade. Hindrances along the way are not there to discourage you but to pat you on the back and say, “Keep going! You got this!” 

The success of others is your motivation.

Envy and jealousy never get you anywhere. So stop treating others’ success as a threat, and start looking at them as a source of motivation and improvement.

Your strengths are your biggest assets.

Define your skills and abilities. Are you good at sports? How about logical thinking? Or perhaps you have a leadership talent? Start playing by your field of expertise and watch the opportunities come knocking down your front door!

There is no limit to learning.

 “I’m too old to learn new things” is the fastest way towards failure. No matter your age – fifteen, forty-two, or even seventy – there’s no excuse to stop learning. So, read on different references. Listen to educational podcasts. Maybe even get a mentor! You’re every step closer to your dreams when you’re a beginner or student again.

Familiarize yourself with feeling uncomfortable

Just shoot your shot! – This doesn’t just apply to asking your crush out! Take a risk into different opportunities, career paths, business ventures, anything! Dismiss feelings of doubt and anxiety, and just do it. You never know the next time you get a chance like this!

Break free from your chains

Thinking you’re not smart enough or that you don’t excel in anything will only reap failure, so get rid of them!  Such a negative state of mind will discourage and impede your efforts towards success. Instead, start saying, “I can do this!” or “I’ll surpass this!”. 


Your Only Hurdle is You

The course of success is never a one-way path; you’ll turn, swerve, and get lost along the way. But to be where you want to be, you have to sacrifice your comfort zone for the opportunities out there.

Though your feelings of anxiety and unease are part of the process, don’t let these trick you into thinking you’re not worth it. Or that you don’t have what it takes. So get rid of negative self-talk! Remember, your thoughts dictate your actions.

It is your fear of growth that stands between you and your dreams. And unless you’re ready to change your mindset, your success may be farther than you thought. 


‌Dweck, C. (2016, January 13). What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means. Harvard Business Review. --- Curry-Logan, T. (2018, April 17). Growth Mindset: Shift Your Perspective to Achieve More. Thrive Global. --- Smith, J. (2020). Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset: How what you think affects what you achieve. Mindset Health.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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