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A Local Induction for Team Philippines’ TikTok Edu Creators

Aug 19, 2022 | YMP LeaD Engagement

TikTok Edu Creators Meet for A Day of Learning

A local induction was held for TikTok educational content creators, including YMP LeaD founder and CEO Riyan Portuguez, accompanied by Senior Company Writer Margritte Ritumalta, last August 6 at the Common Ground, Metro Manila. 

The event was marked by a series of talks from guest speakers who aimed to inspire content creation that breaks the pattern of conflict and hate speech brought by misinformation and disinformation. 

This day full of selfless sharing and continuous learning is possible thanks to the joint efforts of Love Frankie, TikTok Philippines, the European Union, Teach Peace Build Peace, and the United Nations Development Programme!

The Rise of Fake News

We’ve all been victims of fake news. The media has often fooled us into believing information not backed by evidence. A December 2021 survey even found that 51% of adult Filipinos in the Philippines claim that they find it difficult to spot fake news on TV, radio, or social media!

Four Action Steps to Combat Fake News

Breaking the pattern of misinformation and disinformation is possible when you do your part in preventing it: 

Pause, then get your facts straight.

The best way to stop the spread of wrong information is by learning how to pause first before sharing it with others. Consider the source or gather different credible sources when you come across bizarre news. This way, you educate yourself on what is true. 

Dare to ask.

As education content creator Lyqa Maravilla, RPm puts it:

“I know some things, but I don’t know everything.” 

Do not be afraid to speak up if you see or hear something that doesn’t sit right with you.  Get used to asking questions! There is nothing to lose when you ask but a lot to gain.

Conduct a fact-check before believing something.

The internet can be deceiving. What you see can be quite different from what it  truly is. So before you share any vital information online, cross-check it with other credible sources first!

Educate others on the facts.

Someone may come to us with information that we know is false. We can start by remaining kind. We can inform the person that s/he has taken in modified information and then help them understand what’s correct by sharing with them the facts.

Be the Change You Want to See Online

We live in a digital world where everyone is vulnerable to consuming false information. But escaping misinformation and disinformation can be done when you take the necessary measures when faced with fake news!

Stay tuned for more because these TikTok edu creators are set to attend a Regional Summit with other representatives from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand soon!

#YMPLeaD #TeamPhilippines #YourMillennialPscyhologist #CreatorsForward #LoveFrankie #TikTok #TeachPeaceBuildPeace #UNDP 


Beasley, B. (2020). Four Ways to Stop the Spread (of Misinformation) // News // Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership // University of Notre Dame. ‌Djordjevic, M. (2021, April). 27 Alarming Fake News Statistics. Sinclair, H. C. (2021, March 18). 7 ways to avoid becoming a misinformation superspreader. The Conversation. Seven ways to protect yourself against misinformation | Knowledge Enterprise. (2020). Arizona State University. Tuquero, L. (2022, February 26). 51% of Filipinos find it difficult to spot fake news on media – SWS. Rappler.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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