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Better Nutrition for a Better You

May 11, 2022 | Physical Wellness, Self-development, Self-Help

Let’s admit it – eating healthy can be tricky sometimes. With supermarkets everywhere filled with mouth-watering sweets, delectable chips, and refreshing soda, you might as well forget about the leafy-green vegetables you have on your grocery list!

Indulging in these unhealthy cravings from time to time is normal, but it’s crucial to understand that as we age, making healthier decisions has its rewards in the long run.

Nutrition: Your Friend Until the End

I hope you don’t call me a killjoy, but did you know that junk food – accessible, appealing, palatable, and low-cost – is one of the primary contributors to heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes?

Now, isn’t that hard to digest? That is why doctors have always encouraged us to fill up on healthy food! Proper nutrition reduces high blood pressure, lowers high cholesterol, increases energy levels, and improves well-being.


One Healthy Decision a Day

There are practical ways to start eating healthier at home compared to eating out!

Bake or roast. Unlike frying, these two alternative methods use up little to no oil. And we know fried food is not suitable for us. Besides, you can bake and roast all meat, fish, and vegetables!

Taste first before adding salt. Studies have recounted many times that salt is bad for us. So before adding another dash of salt to your cooking, do a taste test first!

Fill your plate first with fruits and vegetables. Put those leafy-green veggies and colorful fruits on your plate first! This way, you limit the adverse effects of too much meat. 

Cook at home and pack your lunch. Preparing and packing your meals saves you more money and allows you to be more mindful of the amount of salt, sugar, and oil you put into your meals! It’s a win-win situation for your wallet and health!

Fight the temptation of fast food by cooking a new recipe. Giving in to unhealthy cravings is perfectly normal on some days. Battle the lure of fast food by learning a new recipe and experimenting with different cuisines!

Better Meal, Better Me

Proper nutrition promises us good physical health in the long run. But with the assortment of sweets, chips, and unhealthy sodas everywhere, eating healthy gets even more challenging. 

Worry not! These small habits will help you navigate healthy eating and may even motivate you to take on better and healthier decisions!


Bjarnadottir, A. (2021, November 2). 25 Simple Tips to Make Your Diet Healthier. Healthline Media. Van, G. (2019, February 25). Should You Completely Avoid Junk Food? Healthline Media. ‌

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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