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Mind Hacks For A Positive Body Image

Jun 26, 2022 | Mental Health, Self-development, Self-Help

Many people struggle to maintain a positive self-perception of their bodies in the face of external pressures such as social media, parents, and classmates.

Maybe they were once called out for being too thin or too fat. Or it could be that they have been teased for their appearance. These examples are just a few of why people develop a poor body image.

Healthy Mindsets to Love My Body 

A poor body image is a constant struggle, but there are ways you can remind yourself that your body is just as beautiful and unique as others’!

“My body is not like other bodies.”

Everyone is built differently – from the width of our shoulders to the shape of our legs. Just as no one else has the exact figure as Kendall Jenner or Dwayne Johnson, no one has the exact figure as you. So learn to embrace your features because yours are just as different as everyone else’s. 

“The opinions of others about my body are not facts.”

Push aside unpleasant remarks about your weight, height, body fat, or chest size. How you see your body matters more than the snide false comments of people who are deeply insecure about their bodies!

“What I love about my body is/are ___.”

The first step towards achieving body positivity is acknowledging the features you love! Perhaps you love the way your arms are built? Train your mind to compliment the parts of your body you find beautiful!

“It’s normal not to love my body on some days.”

There will be days when you’ll hate the skin on your body. But you must learn to care for your body even on challenging days because noBODY will love your body but you! 

“All bodies change as we age.”

No one ever reached their thirties with the body of an eighteen-year-old. As we grow, our bodies change to serve our needs. So get rid of that toxic mindset that your body today is not deserving of love.

I Love My Body!

Learning to love the body we have is a daily challenge. But we only have one body in our lifetime, so we must learn to love and accept it as our own. 

It’s a good thing there are mindsets you can adopt to build a healthier attitude towards your body. Bear these in mind and watch yourself love your body a little more daily!


10 Steps to Positive Body Image. (2017, February 25). National Eating Disorders Association. Fox-DeMarco, D. (2021, February 25). Mental Health Tips for Coping with Body Image Issues. Headway. ‌How to Beat Body Image Issues and Learn to Love Yourself. (2019, September 4). ‌Therapy For You..

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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