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Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Choosing Leisure Time Over Sleep?

Nov 11, 2022 | Psychological Explanation, Sleep

There is no better feeling than sacrificing a few hours of sleep for self-care or entertainment after a long busy day at work. 

Though this behavior can make us feel good and rewarded, skipping a good night’s sleep can do more harm than health.

What is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination, or sleep procrastination, means cutting back on sleep to fit in a few hours of leisure or entertainment to compensate for the lack of free time during the day. 


What is the psychological reason behind this?

Up to this date, the concept of sleep science is still heavily studied and debated. However, many have raised a few arguments to explain the phenomenon.

1. A lack of self-control causes sleep procrastination.

2. “Night owls” are forced to adopt an “Early bird” schedule, thus compromising their sleep-wake schedule. 

3. The behavior is an attempt to seek rest and recovery after a stressful work day.

Despite all these claims, the lack of solid evidence and explanation prompts further research to understand this voluntary sacrifice of sleep.



How to stop Sleep Procrastination?

Functioning without enough sleep can lead to detrimental long-term effects such as weakened immunity, the risk for diabetes, and increased memory issues. Thus, managing our activities day and night becomes of utmost importance.

  • Learn to manage your stress levels

  • Allocate time during the day for your “Me time.”

  • Sleep and wake at the same time each day

  • Skip heavy meals, alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco before bed

  • No screens before bedtime

Though very tempting, this common phenomenon – Revenge Bedtime Procrastination – is not an excuse to skip sleep for a few hours of fun but an opportunity to reevaluate our priorities and to better manage our time for activities. 


Liang, L.-H. (2020). The psychology behind “revenge bedtime procrastination.” Suni, E. (2022). What Is “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination”? Sleep Foundation.,schedule%20lacking%20in%20free%20time.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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