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Stress is Kicking In! Is this a good or bad one?

May 7, 2022 | Physical Wellness, Self-development, Self-Help

Heart racing, head aching, jaw clenching, and stomach-churning. All these signs my body is giving, is it telling me I’m stressed?

We’re all stressed from time to time. It’s a part of life! But what if there was a kind of stress that was good for you? The type that gave you motivation and energy instead of sleepless nights and raving anxiety?

Unhealthy Stress

Yup, we’ve all had it. That jittery and uncomfortable feeling we get when we’re nervous and scared. This type of stress is caused by unresolved emotional problems, traumatic events, loss, or violence. 

Distress has never been the solution to anything. It only worsens by causing headaches, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.

Healthy Stress

If there’s unhealthy stress, then there must be healthy stress! When you’re on your first date, this pulse-quickening stress motivates you. No fear or threat, just focusing your energy on what makes you feel excited and inspired in life!

Battle Your Bad Stress Away

Though science has proven many ways to manage a stressful day, you can still turn that bad day into something sweet by adapting these small but powerful practices!

Remember your Boundaries

The stress we feel daily is often a product of forgetting where our boundaries are. So the next time you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself of the things you will and will not tolerate. Once you start reestablishing your boundaries, you’ll realize that stress is something within your control!

Let go of Expectations.

When you feel stressed, learn to let go of your expectations. Sometimes our failure to meet objectives causes us to feel upset and pressured. Learn to understand that failure is normal and that not everything will happen the way you want. 

Restrategize and Move Forward.

Stress impedes our progress, so mastering the art of restrategizing and problem-solving is the key to overcoming stress. Move forward from your stress triggers by asking yourself, “What’s my next step?” or “What’s the best action to take next?

Build your Mindful Practice.

When you feel like a ball of stress, being mindful will keep you grounded at the moment. Take the time to pause and reflect on how to respond to the situation.

Find the Lesson.

There is always something new to learn from a situation. Take this stressful challenge as an opportunity to grow and understand yourself better. Start asking yourself, “Why did this situation stress me out?” You discover more about the things that matter. 

You are Bigger than Stress

Stress is either your companion or your enemy! On most days, you might feel like throwing up because you’re anxious and scared, while on some days, stress makes you feel like the happiest, most excited person on Earth!

We need both – bad stress and good stress in our life to grow and mature. What if I told you that the stress we feel is below us? We are more significant than our stress!

You can make small habits to turn bad stress into something positive! And with a bit of consistency, you might find yourself never having a stressful day ever again!


Pritchard, E.-L. (2016, June 30). 10 ways to turn stress into a positive. Country Living; Country Living. Scott, E. (2020). How Good Stress Can Add Excitement to Your Life. Verywell Mind.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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