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The Inherent Flexibility of “Bahala na!”

Nov 2, 2021 | Optimism

Bahala na!”, we say to ourselves when feeling unsure of the future. At one point in our lives, we have caught ourselves expressing this familiar Filipino phrase. When we encounter a friend who is unsure and quite hesitant of the consequences of his or her actions, we hear them broadcast with solid conviction “Bahala na!”. In times of uncertainty and doubt for the future, we remark our perseverance in the profession of this common phrase.

In the Philippines, “Bahala na!” is often heard in social circles, family discussions, the workplace, and maybe even along the streets. It seems that this familiar expression precedes unpredictable situations that are out of someone’s control. It is as if the phrase marks one’s surrender to an entity or being greater than him.

Bahala na!”: Origin

Rolando Gripaldo, in his philosophical analysis of “Bahala na,” introduces the phrase as a manifestation of a Filipino cultural trait. It is believed that the word “Bahala” is a derivation of the Tagalog word “Bathala,” which is a literal translation of “God.” With that, the famous Filipino expression serves its linguistic purposes that indicate one’s decision to leave his circumstances in the hands of God, which at this point now marks the act of complete surrender.

Rolando Gripaldo’s Interpretations of “Bahala na!”

Though the phrase may carry out overlapping interpretations depending on the situation, Gripaldo identifies six possible definitions of the famous expression. First, in the face of uncertainties in the decision-making, one may say “Bahala na ang Diyos,” a Tagalog translation of the phrase “It is up to God,” “I will leave everything to God” and “He will take care of me.” This show of surrender to Him implies that a person has already allowed Him to take control of what happens next and that he is confident to face the consequences to follow.

Second, “Bahala ka na”, “Bahala na kayo”, and “Bahala na sila” denote that a person or a group of people is responsible for the situation at hand. English translations include “It is up to you,” “The decision is yours,” and “Leave it to them.” Often, this phrase is used to present a positive tone in situations to show a deep sense of trust and respect in another’s capacity to decide. For instance, in family gatherings, “Kayo nalang po bahala”, or “Kayo po bahala, kung ano po gusto ninyo” are commonly heard from children in response to their elderly’s questions. Third, the use of the expression may pertain to a situation where a person is aware of his full accountability of the situation and is prepared to face the consequences of his decisions. For example, when we are bound to face the circumstances brought by the actions we pursue in our career, we take full responsibility to meet these difficulties as we profess “Bahala na!” courageously. In this way, one displays persistence, resiliency, and relentless optimism.

Fourth, using “Bahala na” may assume a negative connotation as it may indicate a person’s carelessness to respond in a situation. When one is consumed with defeat and anxiety, he or she would instead choose to withdraw from the dreadful situation. Often, this is a show of one’s neglect to take necessary measures or to proceed with haphazard work. Fifth, when a person’s actions are endured, and a decision was made to leave the situation on her account instead. In some instances, the phrases “Bahala na siya” or “Bahala ka diyan, kasalanan mo iyan.” may present a feeling of impatience towards a person, thus demonstrating an incapacity to tolerate another’s actions and to remark the eventual faults on another’s actions instead.

For the last, a derived meaning of the phrase may be used to warn a person of threatening consequences cautiously. For instance, in a household, when a parent scolds his child for choosing to go out late at night, the phrase “Bahala ka, sige ka baka ano pa mangyari sa ‘yo” is often heard. Though this implication lies close to the previous, it is perceived as a warning or precaution before decision-making. Despite these definitions, the intended meaning of “Bahala na” in a situation may hover and overlap between interpretations, as a person may perceive a situation differently and may carry out a different understanding.

The Overlapping Nature of “Bahala na!” 

Bahala na!” establishes itself as an embodiment of a Filipino’s deep sense of spiritual dependence on Providence in times of pain and trouble. This surrender is an honest representation of a Filipino’s courage and strength to look towards spiritual connection and reassurance, following a sense of resoluteness and attainment of peace of mind. However, when expressed with the wrong intentions and a refusal to take account, a person may demonstrate avoidance to carefully weigh in and exhaust all possible solutions and options in a situation, thus shying away from taking full accountability for the consequences. In this way, “Bahala na” becomes an honest approach towards disregard, laziness, and danger in the unfolding of circumstances.


Gripaldo, R. (2005, October 12). Bahala Na: A Philosophical Analysis. ResearchGate.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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