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Why Leaders Value a Growth Mindset

Jan 20, 2022 | Growth, Self-development

Have you ever admired someone’s leadership talent that you somehow managed to tell yourself, I want to be a leader like them! But how can I

Regardless of who you are or where you are in life, you can be a leader! Though noted for an empathic leadership style, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern is applauded for her quick and effective solutions against the COVID-19 pandemic. Her open-mindedness to the nation’s rising concerns has not only won the hearts of many but inspired leadership and growth within the community. 

To be a leader entails many things; a few are accountability, responsibility, empathy, optimism, and even influence. Though these are all equally substantial for leadership positions, the best leaders commit themselves to developing one valuable trait — a growth mindset. 

Growth mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

A growth-minded person accepts failure as a chance toward personal and professional success. Driven by ambition and purpose, they pursue new opportunities to build their skill set, no matter how new or uncomfortable it may be.

Leaders never take on a defeated outlook. They know that you’ll find yourself with a one-way ticket away from your dreams with a fixed mindset. They don’t encourage avoiding challenges or ignoring feedback, as you must embrace these setbacks with grace. 

Why Leaders Value a Growth Mindset

So, what is it about a growth mindset that leaders worldwide dedicate themselves to harnessing this trait each day? Below are a few reasons why this outlook is more than valuable to aspiring leaders:

A Growth Mindset Imprints Lasting Value on Others.  Great leaders appreciate the impact of encouraging and supporting others to seek different opportunities. These improve a person’s confidence in their abilities and may even inspire perseverance and passion for long-term growth and success. 

Fear is Forgotten with an Attitude of Growth. We are our number one enemy. Great leaders worldwide learn to use fear for everyone’s advantage. They influence a community through rising concern and shared interest. 

Growth is Needed To Sustain a Team. No leader will deny the part of good ethics, honesty, skill, and intelligence in a fellowship’s success, but these aren’t enough to keep a team. With a growth mindset, leaders highlight effort, passion, inspiration, and resilience, which drive the pursuit of a shared goal. 

It is Your Refuge After Failure.  In the face of adversity and trial leaders develop a bird’s-eye view. They know that blaming an individual or a circumstance does nothing but empty execution. It is your Refuge.

Growth is Your Fastest Route Towards Success. Though failure can be discouraging and uninspiring sometimes, moving forward is more manageable than doubling back. And leaders realize this power of pushing past comfort zones and maximizing opportunities instead of mourning what-ifs and what could have been. 


To Be a Leader, Grow with Others

Leadership will demand your traits to demonstrate that you are capable, whether in a large professional assembly or a small community gathering. One of which is your ability to model a growth mindset.

So, it’s valuable to learn to be motivated by failure and feedback as these encourage persistent endeavor and hard work that positively lead a population towards a common destination. As a leader, you flourish with the people around you. 

That is the reason why the most remarkable leaders value a growth mindset. With this attitude, you can be sure that success is on the way, and with your whole team united, thriving as a means to meet a dream just got easier. 



DeWitt, P. (2020, November 15). Why Leaders Need to Develop Their Own Growth Mindset (Opinion). Education Week. Marcos, D. (2022). Growth Mindset: Why It’s Needed for Successful Leadership. Growth Institute.,to%20overcome%20any%20business%20challenge Morgan, J. (2020). Why Leaders Need A Growth Mindset | Jacob Morgan [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. Why a Growth Mindset is Crucial for Business Leadership. (2020, March 29). McCracken.

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Margritte Ritumalta


Margritte Ritumalta, an advocate of children's rights and an aspiring businesswoman or entrepreneur in the future, has taken her skill in creative and technical writing to create content that inspires self-development. Constantly pursuing leadership opportunities, she believes that with the right mix of intention, ambition, and dedication, she can build employment opportunities that serve to improve the nation's overall economic status.

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